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#05  靴下を染めに行く

ときは18世紀の英国。 とあるサロンの女性達が知的なものを求め、男性とともに芸術、文芸の話に花を咲かせていたそうです。



「blue stockings」の誕生です。










#05 Dyeing socks


In the 18th century, it was in England, where a certain type of women, who inquired into intellects, were enjoying conversations about the arts and literature with men at salons. One day, one of those women threw off the traditional black-silk-stockings and wore blue-cotton-stockings which belonged to the attire of proletariats. People called the woman “blue stockings”, then this nickname with some ridicule, made the woman an iconic figure representing the group of women, and eventually, it turned to the name of the women at the salon.

That was the birth of “blue stockings”.


In the early 20th century, it was in Japan, in the Meiji era, where the idea from the distant foreign country had arrived in Tokyo. The idea was taken over as the name of magazine Sei-Tou under the leadership of Raicho Hiratsuka. Sei-Tou was the first literary magazine published by women in Japan, and the publication continued for five years since 1911, despite the fact that it was banned three times.

In 2017, it was in Japan again, where we, Sabba-Can, having learned about the “Blue” that our predecessors left, incorporated it into our practice. We decided to dye socks, in order to add the color to the continued Sabbatical Time.

If you wish, we will dye socks as a souvenir for you.


Project #05 Dyeing socks

1. dye socks blue.

2. dye socks for you.

3. send blue socks to you.

4. update the archive of this project on our website.


3331 Art Fair 2017 -Various Collectors Prizes-


3月17日(金)   18:00-21:00
3月18日(土)   12:00-20:00
3月19日(日)   12:00-20:00
3月20日(月・祝) 12:00-17:00

Opening Event

15:00-18:00 ファーストチョイス/特別内覧会
19:00-21:00 オープニングレセプションパーティー


アーツ千代田 3331 1階メインギャラリー

Admission fee

一般1,000 円、学生 800 円、ペアチケット1,600 円、高校生以下・障害者 無料




3331 Arts Chiyoda

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